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An Essential Guide to Communication Skills and Social Intelligence

Harness the power of practical psychology to strengthen the relationship you have with yourself, a key factor in fostering more meaningful connections with others.

Training Course Description

In the pursuit of personal development, three essential components stand out: emotional intelligence, self-awareness, and social effectiveness. Each one drives the other, creating a powerful mechanism for growth. These elements are not standalone concepts; instead, they intertwine to form a powerful triad that influences every aspect of our life, career and relationships.

Self-awareness is the fundamental cornerstone of emotional intelligence (EQ). It serves as the solid foundation upon which social and relational effectiveness can be built. By nurturing self-knowledge and honing your social awareness, you will enhance your capacity to interact effectively with other people, foster meaningful connections, and grasp the intricate depths of human emotions.

Self-awareness is the knowledge of one’s own character, feelings, and motives. It’s the mirror we hold up to ourselves, reflecting our inner workings. When we cultivate self-awareness, we lay the foundation for emotional IQ and begin to notice patterns in our behaviours. This awareness allows us to manage our emotions, preventing them from clouding our judgment or dictating our actions.

Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand, and use our emotions in positive ways. It’s about recognizing our emotional state and its impact on our decisions, and interactions with others. But how do we achieve this? The answer lies in cultivating self-awareness. The better you know yourself, the better equipped you will be to navigate life transitions and interact with others.

The cost of not investing in self-development and honing your people skills can be steep. In a world that thrives on instant connection, lacking these skills can lead to missed opportunities, strained relationships, and limited personal growth. The ability to manage one’s emotions, and the capacity to navigate social situations are crucial for personal and professional success.

Emotional intelligence, self-awareness, and social effectiveness are gears in the machinery of personal growth. By investing into these skills, you’re not just improving one aspect of your life; you’re enhancing your overall quality of life. This is the power and promise of psychology-based education – it’s not just about learning; it’s about growing, evolving, and becoming the best version of yourself.

So, if you’re looking to take your social skills to the next level, embrace a focused outlook towards life and sharpen your mindset, this applied psychology-based training course is for you. You’ll learn how to be more intuitive, emotionally aware, and socially savvy. You’ll learn how to build trust-based connections with people, and feel naturally more empowered in your interpersonal exchanges.

All of our training materials are captured in high-definition video, accompanied by an MP3 audio version of the course, and supplemented with PDF resources to enhance your learning experience. The course is conveniently available on-demand, providing a comprehensive framework to contextualize your studies and establish a strong foundation for sharing your knowledge with others.

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Course Explainer Video

In this explainer video, you'll meet your instructor and gain insights into what you can expect to learn during this comprehensive online training course.

Course Features and Benefits

Practical Insights:
Develop self-awareness and emotional intelligence (IQ) to become socially effective.
Develop healthy new personality habits that align with your true identity & priorities.
Practical Insights:
Understand the correlation between personal responsibility & emotional regulation.
Learn to challenge pernicious thinking patterns that are not based on facts or truth.
Learn to become socially aware and attentive of other people's motivations & needs.
Develop true confidence that projects an aura of boldness in your social exchanges!
Practical Insights:
Learn the psychological principles that enable personal growth and development.
Understand how to become more intuitive, emotionally aware and socially effective.
Practical Insights:
Learn to establish a disciplined mindset that overflows into every aspect of your life.
Learn how to manage you mindset and evaluate the accuracy of your perspective.
Global Networking:
Access LIVE training events and practice groups with your Achology membership.
And much more!
This training ALSO contains a full MP3 version for those who like to 'study on the go!'

An Essential Guide to Communication Skills and Social Intelligence

From School of Personal Growth and Development




Hrs of Teaching



  • 13+ Hrs of On-Demand Learning
  • Full Audio Course Also Included
  • Downloadable Course Workbooks
  • Get Lifetime Access to this Course
  • Earn a Certificate of Completion
  • 3 Mts Free Community Membership
  • CPD and Upskilling Opportunities

14-day refund policy

Become an expert in applied psychology and harness this wisdom for the betterment of yourself and others.

Achology is the world's leading online destination for unlocking the depths of your psychology. Self-knowledge is the cornerstone of personal growth that enables people to live with vision, clarity, and purpose. The perspectives shared in this training will equip you with the practical insights you need to help both yourself, and other people to achieve this.

Course Structure & Section Descriptions

Explore what you’ll be learning throughout each different section of the training course

Section 1:
Self-Awareness as a Basis for all Self-Improvement

This section aims to showcase the significance of self-awareness, self-confidence, and emotional mastery in leading a socially prosperous lifestyle. By cultivating these qualities, individuals can navigate social interactions with finesse, enhance their personal growth, and foster meaningful connections.

Section 2:
Self Discipline as a Basis for all Social Effectiveness

In this section of the course, you will discover the crucial relationship between self-awareness and self-discipline. Understanding the importance of self-awareness as a precursor to self-discipline, you'll see how cultivating self-discipline becomes the cornerstone of sustainable social effectiveness.

Section 3:
Fundamental Relationship Principles and People/Social Skills

During our last session of the training course, we will delve into the fundamental principles essential for cultivating and maintaining wholesome, genuine, and fulfilling relationships. This overview aims to equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to foster meaningful connections that bring joy and fulfillment.

Preview Lectures from this Training

Before you purchase this course, preview these training videos to ensure our teaching style aligns with your learning goals!

"If your emotional abilities aren't in hand, if you don't have self-awareness, if you are not able to manage your distressing emotions, if you can't have empathy and have effective relationships, then no matter how smart you are, you are not going to get very far."

- Daniel Goleman, Author and Renowned Social Psychologist.

Student Testimonies & Course Reviews

Listen to the testimonials from our students about their experience of studying with Achology:

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(On Demand Training Course)
  • Comes with Full Lifetime Access
  • 3 Mts Community Membership
  • 13+ Hours On-Demand Training
  • Full Audio Course Also Included

14-day refund policy

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12 courses
  • Lifetime Access to 12 Courses
  • 12 Mts Community Membership
  • 185+ Hrs On-Demand Training
  • LIVE Online In-Person Events
  • 1-to-1 Coaching & Mentoring

14-day refund policy

28 courses
  • Lifetime Access to 28 Courses
  • LIVE Study and Practice Events
  • 12 Mts Community Subscription
  • Pro-Bono Coaching & Mentoring
  • 600+ Hrs HD On-Demand Training

14-day refund policy

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14 day refund policy – If this training course doesn’t align with your learning goals, you can get a full refund within 14 days of your purchase.

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Purchase a complete Achology Access All Areas Pass and get instant lifetime access to our FULL range of 27 modern applied psychology & personal growth on-demand courses. Save yourself over $1648 & also receive 12-months of complimentary access to our Achology community!

The Achology Access All Areas Pass - Achology houses a innovative elearning hub for psychological wisdom, a global community & insights into psychology's real-world applications!

Frequently Asked Questions:

Honest answers to some of our most Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The pandemic of 2020/21 has revolutionised the way organizations now teach self-improvement. In the pursuit of self-knowledge and growth, countless individuals now delve into the principles of personal growth from the confines of their own homes. However, with the ever-expanding landscape of online education, discerning online learners face the challenge of identifying trustworthy courses that align with their specific learning needs.

So, here are some questions to consider before choosing a personal growth course;

  1. What is the course duration? Is it self-directed or attendance-based?
  2. Do I have the time & mental capacity to study personal growth at this time?
  3. Are there any preview videos I can watch before enrolling on the course?
  4. Does the curriculum include all the personal growth information I require?
  5. Does the course focus only on psychological theory or skill development?
  6. Is the course accredited? If so, for what purpose do I need accreditation?
  7. What level of skill must I achieve? What are my professional goals or aims?
  8. How much does the personal growth course cost? Are there hidden fees?
  9. Is there social proof? How many other students have finished studying it?

If you’re looking to increase your career prospects, elearning is a great solution for this. With its flexible nature, elearning allows you to study personal growth online without having it interfere with your schedule. So, before you enrol on a program, ask yourself these questions. Credible training providers usually make student review videos available on their website and will partner with a third-party review system such as TrustPilot or Yotpo.

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is not just a buzzword in the realm of personal development—it’s a powerful tool that can significantly enhance our lives. Some of the world’s most innovative minds are known for their strong EQ, but the beauty of it is, it’s not an exclusive club. It’s a skill that can be nurtured and developed by anyone willing to invest in their growth.

The value of EQ can’t be overstated. It affects nearly every aspect of our lives, from our relationships to our careers. Imagine having sharper communication skills, healthier relationships, and the ability to navigate conflicts maturely. This is what EQ can offer. But there’s more—it also equips us with the resilience to face life’s challenges, effectively reducing stress levels.

In the professional sphere, EQ often trumps technical skills. Those with high EQ tend to have better people skills—a trait that can accelerate your career trajectory. Emotional intelligence encompasses the ability to perceive, assess, and manage our own emotions, as well as those of others. It’s a cocktail of essential skills—self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, and communication—that’s becoming increasingly vital in today’s interconnected world.

Historical research backs up the importance of EQ. Studies reveal that individuals with high EQ typically perform better at work, enjoy healthier relationships, exhibit effective leadership qualities, and foster stronger social connections. Let’s delve into the fundamental pillars of EQ:

  1. Self-Awareness – The first step towards emotional intelligence is self-awareness. It’s about understanding our emotions and how they influence our decisions and interactions. By enhancing our self-awareness, we can identify triggers and blind spots that might hinder our progress or lead us astray.
  2. Self-Regulation – It’s one thing to understand our emotions; it’s another to manage them effectively. Self-regulation involves controlling our emotional responses for our benefit and those around us. Techniques such as deep breathing and mindfulness can help us stay focused and composed, even in challenging situations.
  3. Empathy – Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. It’s about stepping into their shoes and seeing the world from their perspective. This understanding allows us to support them better during difficult times, fostering deeper connections.
  4. Communication – Clear and respectful communication is crucial for expressing our thoughts and feelings effectively. It empowers us to express ourselves freely without feeling threatened or judged, and it helps us resolve conflicts constructively.

These four pillars form the foundation of EQ, equipping us with the tools to succeed in any human interaction—be it face-to-face or online. The journey towards emotional intelligence is a journey towards a more fulfilling life. It’s your path to personal growth and development, and it’s within your reach.

Absolutely, self-awareness, emotional intelligence (EQ), and social effectiveness are not just related but deeply intertwined in a manner that significantly affects our personal and professional lives. Let’s start by understanding each of these concepts individually:

Self-Awareness: This is the ability to introspect and recognize your own emotions, desires, strengths, and weaknesses. It’s about being in tune with your inner self.

Emotional Intelligence (EQ): EQ is the capacity to comprehend, manage, and effectively express one’s own feelings, as well as engage and navigate successfully with the emotions of others.

Social Effectiveness: This refers to the competency to interact with others in a way that is both effective and socially acceptable. It involves communication skills, conflict resolution abilities, and general interpersonal skills.

Now, how do these three concepts interrelate? Essentially, self-awareness is the foundation of emotional intelligence, and together, they significantly influence social effectiveness.

Self-Awareness and Emotional Intelligence: Self-awareness is the first step towards emotional intelligence. When you are aware of your emotions, you can understand and manage them better. This understanding helps in dealing with emotional highs and lows, thus contributing to personal well-being and effective decision-making. In other words, self-awareness leads to greater emotional intelligence.

Emotional Intelligence and Social Effectiveness: Emotional intelligence directly impacts social effectiveness. The ability to understand and regulate your own emotions and empathize with others’ emotions is crucial for successful social interactions. High EQ often leads to better communication skills – you can express your thoughts and feelings more clearly and understand others’ perspectives better, leading to healthier and more constructive social interactions.

The Powerful Triad: Together, self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and social effectiveness form a powerful combination that significantly influences personal growth and success. As you enhance your self-awareness and emotional intelligence, your social effectiveness improves. This improvement further enhances your self-awareness and emotional intelligence, creating a positive cycle of growth and development.

The interplay between self-awareness, EQ, and social effectiveness has wide-ranging implications for our lives. Improved self-awareness and EQ can lead to better mental health, more fulfilling relationships, successful conflict resolution, and overall personal and professional success. They can help you become a better leader, a better communicator, and a more empathetic and understanding person.

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) has long piqued the interest of psychologists and researchers alike, sparking numerous theories seeking to elucidate this intriguing concept. Here are some seminal theories that have significantly shaped our understanding of EQ:

Mayer and Salovey’s Four-Branch Model: This pioneering and influential model of EQ, proposed by Mayer and Salovey, presents a four-pronged approach to understanding the nuances of emotional intelligence. It emphasizes the importance of accurately perceiving emotions in oneself and others, harnessing emotions to facilitate thinking, grasping emotional meanings, and adeptly managing emotions. This comprehensive framework encapsulates the multifaceted nature of EQ.

Goleman’s Mixed Model: Daniel Goleman, a well-known science journalist, brought EQ into the mainstream limelight with his groundbreaking book “Emotional Intelligence.” Goleman proposed an intriguing mixed model of EQ that marries abilities with traits. His model underscores the significance of self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management in the realm of EQ.

Bar-On Model of Emotional-Social Intelligence (ESI): Reuven Bar-On introduced a unique perspective on EQ with his model of emotional-social intelligence (ESI). His model is centered around the idea of understanding oneself and others, relating to people effectively, and adapting to and coping with one’s surroundings. This model posits that these skills are integral to successfully navigating environmental demands.

Petrides’ Trait Emotional Intelligence: Petrides brought forth a trait model of EQ, where he conceptualized emotional intelligence as an assortment of personality traits. This model places EQ within the broader context of personality psychology.

Amidst the diverse models and definitions, it’s crucial to acknowledge the ongoing debate within the psychological community about the precise nature and definition of EQ. Some researchers argue that EQ may be too closely intertwined with existing personality dimensions, while others champion EQ as a distinct construct, separate from both IQ and personality.

Despite the lack of consensus on a single model for emotional intelligence, it’s universally accepted that EQ plays an instrumental role in our personal and professional triumphs. Whether it involves understanding our emotions, empathizing with others, or navigating social situations, EQ is an indispensable part of our psychological fabric. It not only enriches our interpersonal relationships but also empowers us to lead more fulfilling lives.

Yes, you can enrol in our Master Your Emotions (EQ) and Revolutionise Your Social Skills course without a Community membership. All of our online training products are designed to be standalone purchases or completed as part of a training bundle. Once you’ve purchased this course, you can complete it within a timeframe that suits your needs and revisit the course training materials as frequently as you like.

Three months of free community access is included with this purchase. This allows you to access our global peer-learning community and benefit from the skill development sessions that happen within our events calendar each week. Once your free membership expires, you can extend it by purchasing a 3, 6 or 12-month subscription, or by joining another training course from our curriculum.

Our program offers all Achology Community Members the option to engage in real-time conversations, skill development sessions and receive reciprocal input (and peer-peer accountability) from other learners who are studying this program. All of our training courses are tailored to help you acquire psychological knowledge and communication skills so that you begin sharing everything you learn with other people right away.

This Master Your Emotions (EQ) and Revolutionise Your Social Skills course welcomes students from all ages, backgrounds, and academic fields. It’s natural to feel apprehension when venturing into a subject you haven’t explored before. However, rest assured that the training program is designed to cater to individuals at all levels of knowledge. Whether you’re new to the topic or have prior psychological experience, this training will benefit you.

This training is designed to inspire learners to reach their potential for growth. Achology, and the academy of modern applied psychology, bring a global community of learners together for personal growth and development via our range of psychology-based personal growth elearning courses.

Our community portal creates a vibrant learning environment for a global community of elearners, from parents to politicians, prison wardens to nurses, public servants to marketers, and entrepreneurs to business leaders. With support from our online community of self-directed learners, your understanding of timeless principles and their applications will grow until you are able to apply your newfound understanding in any context or situation.

While some training providers market their e-learning products by positioning themselves as authorities in self-help, it’s wise to remember that personal growth is just the result of cultivating awareness and a range of mature character traits. There isn’t a an organization with exclusive jurisdiction over defining personal growth or how it should be taught. Ultimately, the effectiveness of a course relies on your preferences and what you find beneficial.

At Achology, we dont make exaggerated claims about being the best training provider. Instead, our focus is on delivering an e-learning experience that is grounded in honesty, life principles, and practical wisdom. Our range of personal growth and development training courses don’t rely on gimmicks or empty promises; rather, they are designed to offer a wealth of psychological and philosophical insights that are just sensible and actionable.

When choosing any personal development training, prioritize finding one that aligns with your current learning goals and is taught in a way that resonates with you intellectually and intuitively. So far, over 630K students have joined our range of psychology-based personal growth and development e-learning courses. While we don’t claim to have the best training courses in the world, we do know they’ve received over 130K positive reviews.

Achology courses provide ample opportunities for self-assessment, self-reflection, and intentional self-improvement. Once you enrol, you can access our community learning platform and engage in discussions, participate in Q&A sessions, and practice with other students from all over the world.

With Achology’s online Master Your Emotions (EQ) and Revolutionise Your Social Skills course, you’ll have the flexibility to learn at your own pace. You don’t need to adhere to any schedules and can access the content when it suits your schedule. This allows for a more personalised learning experience.

The cost of online personal growth and development training courses varies depending on factors such as the depth of the curriculum, the credibility of the institution, and the duration of the course. On the lower end of the spectrum, some personal growth training programs can be found for as low as $100-$200. Our aim at Achology is to make practical life wisdom easily accessible and affordable to as many people as possible.

Mid-range courses, fall within the $250-$1000 range, and premium courses provided by high-fee charging institutions, can cost between $1000 to $5000 or more. Please keep in mind that while cost is a major factor, it should not be the sole determinant in choosing a course. Prospective students should take into consideration the course content and the experience of the instructors.

At Achology, our Master Your Emotions (EQ) and Revolutionise Your Social Skills course is available for a one-time fee of $97 USD with an accompanying monthly subscription plan of $39 USD for students who want access to our in-house collaborative peer-peer learning environment. Our pricing model simply makes studying our training materials an affordable option when directly compared to other similar courses in the market.


Before you commit to any online training, bear in mind that a course’s cost might not reflect its value. Sadly, some training providers deliver false promises. Prior to committing to an online program, assess the training provider and testimonials from past students. With diligence, you will find a course that fits your learning goals.

We know that committing to studying over 13 hours of training materials is a big decision, and we want all of our students to be confident in their choice. That’s why we offer a 14-day money-back guarantee on all of our Achology courses – giving you the opportunity to explore this course without any risk!

If in this period, you find that the course isn’t what you expected or doesn’t align with your learning goals, please reach out to our support team at support@achology.com. They will gladly discuss enrolling you in a more suitable training or assist you with any refund arrangements so long as your purchase happened within 14-days prior.

If you have any more questions about our training courses, feel free to reach out to our community support team at support@achology.com. Our Achology support team is here to help you out with any queries you have or assist you in selecting the best training course for your current needs.

Psychology for 21st Century Learners

7 Unique Perspectives to Support Human Growth and Development

At Achology, we're here to help you understand your psychology. We host a collaborative online community space for those seeking to drive positive upgrades within themselves, their careers, and the communities they engage with.

"For education to be effective, every student must have a personalised learning experience. Achology brings together people, content, technology, diverse cultures, and strategies, all with the goal of fostering deep collaboration between students and creating an inclusive environment for everyone involved."

- Kain Ramsay, Founder of Achology