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Achology Books

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Best Self Be You, Only Better

by Mike Bayer

“Best Self: Be You, Only Better” by Mike Bayer is a transformative self-help book aimed at guiding readers towards becoming the best version of themselves. Published in 2019, this New York Times bestseller offers practical tools and strategies to help individuals live an authentic and fulfilling life.

Bayer, a personal development coach known as Coach Mike, structures the book around the concept of the “Best Self” and the “Anti-Self”. The Best Self, according to Bayer, is our truest and most authentic self, embodying our values, goals, and potential. On the other hand, the Anti-Self is driven by fear, insecurities, and negative patterns that hinder our growth and happiness.

The book begins by encouraging readers to create a vivid, detailed picture of their Best Self and Anti-Self. Bayer believes that understanding these two aspects is the first step towards personal transformation. He writes, “When we choose to be our Best Self, we step into a life of liberation, abundance, and happiness.”

Throughout the book, Bayer presents a series of exercises designed to help readers identify their values, confront their fears, break free from negative patterns, and build a vision for their Best Self. These exercises are part of Bayer’s SPHERES model, which stands for Social life, Personal life, Health, Education, Relationships, Employment, and Spiritual development. This holistic approach ensures all aspects of the reader’s life are addressed.

A significant portion of the book is dedicated to discussing how we can overcome our Anti-Self. Bayer shares techniques to deal with self-doubt, fear, and procrastination, which often hold us back from becoming our Best Self. He writes, “If you want to change your life, you have to raise your standards,” urging readers to challenge their limitations and strive for excellence.

In addition to self-improvement, the book also emphasizes the importance of building healthy relationships. Bayer encourages readers to surround themselves with people who support their Best Self and to distance themselves from those who reinforce their Anti-Self.

“Best Self: Be You, Only Better” is not just about personal transformation; it’s also a guide to living a life that is aligned with your values and aspirations. As Bayer puts it, “Your Best Self is not an ideal to be worshipped, but a bar to be reached.”

Whether you’re seeking personal growth, struggling with self-doubt, or wanting to improve your relationships, Bayer’s book provides practical advice and tools to help you on your journey. Its message of authenticity, self-awareness, and personal development resonates with anyone looking to live a more fulfilling and meaningful life.